Why Does Your Trees Essentially Require Fertilization

Why Does Your Trees Essentially Require Fertilization?

Why Does Your Trees Essentially Require Fertilization?

You might think that tree fertilizer is not essential because of all the lush, green trees that surround us in Rochester. Our gardens bloom with flowers and new leaves every spring. So why would our trees possibly require fertilizer?

But unfortunately, it does! Our soil often does not possess sufficient nutrients to satisfy the demands of trees. In many residential and commercial areas, the soil quality is insufficient to sustain healthy tree development. 

Hiring Branch Specialists, one of the best tree services in Rochester is worth it for this particular reason. They can figure out and fix your soil by testing it scientifically.

Now let’s check why trees in urban and suburban areas essentially require fertilization as compared to forest trees!

Why do forest trees grow well even when they are not fertilized?

Construction, car traffic, and other human activities have not compacted or disturbed forest soils. Rather they have been supplemented by organic residue from fallen leaves over time. Trees and bushes in these environments get all of their nutrients from the earth.  As their root systems are unaffected by compaction or human harm, they can grow as far as they need to get moisture and nutrients. 

On the contrary, urban soils in Rochester are frequently deprived of nutrition and are unable to support a growing tree. Our soils in the city have no minerals as in the forest lands. Hence to make your residential trees compatible as such, you need the best fertilizing advice and service from our tree care services.

Do we truly need tree fertilizer for our yard trees?

Yes, you do!! It is for conditions and situations like these for which you vitally need tree fertilizer:

Winter damage– In the spring, trees and bushes that were harmed by Rochester snow, ice, brines, pests, or disease requires a lot of nutrients. They are both pushing forth new blossoms, leaves, and branches. They are also internally sealing off sections of diseased or damaged bark from the body of the tree, during this time. 

Fruit trees-During flowering and setting fruit season, the fruiting shrubs and trees may require additional nutrients.

Pruned trees-If you have clipped your trees and shrubs this winter, they would be sealing those pruning-cut wounds in spring. This is another energy-intensive activity requiring more nutrients.  

New plants– To improve their energy store, your newly planted trees may require additional fertilization. 

Reminder: Your trees also require sufficient water to complete these activities and remain healthy. Moreover, effective trimming from the best tree trimming services in Rochester can preserve the health of your tree. So apart from fertilization, do pay heed to watering and trimming too! Search for the best tree trimming services in my area for all your tree trimming or fertilizing needs!

How to know if your trees have the essential nutrients or do they need fertilizers?

You are good to go if your trees and plants are strong and healthy enough with no symptoms of stress. However, if you notice any of the signs of nutritional deficit or stress listed below, your soil may lack the nutrients needed for proper plant growth:

 Leaves that are yellow, brown, or twisted

 Leaves with green veins.

 Die-back of branches

 Slow growth


When to look for expert assistance?

There is an expiry limit to every tree fertilizer that you apply. And not knowing that might irreparably destroy soil quality. You may also harm your tree if you choose tree fertilizer for an issue that could be solved by trimming. 

The best tree trimming services in Rochester, Branch Specialists can help you decide. With extremely experienced professionals, you can have excellent tree services in Rochester for your trees. Connect with us today!