What’s The Ideal Time To Transplant Trees

What’s The Ideal Time To Transplant Trees?

What’s The Ideal Time To Transplant Trees?

A tree planted at the wrong spot can be a major hassle. Such misplacements can block construction projects, deck additions, and even home expansion.

If your trees are in such a bad position  – worry not! Professional tree services in Rochester can help you transplant them to your preferred location without disrupting the surrounding vegetation.

Just as much as you want to transplant your tree, you also want to figure out the best time to transplant trees. Trees are vulnerable to negative consequences if you do not follow the right tips for transplanting trees. Branch Specialists Rochester can help figure out the best time to transplant trees, considering your tree species. Considering the five seasons, let’s find out the best time to transplant trees from the following.

It can be winter
Sounds a bit off track? But it’s true!

Winter may not seem like the best time to plant trees, but in some cases, it is. Your trees and shrubs can be transplanted during the dormant winter season- which is between mid-December and mid-February. 

Your plants need a hard freeze to sleep. And in winter a cold snap strikes when Rochester temperatures drop below 32 ℉, even for some hours. 

At this time, your plants go into hibernation and relaxation.  So it’s the safest time to transfer them as they’re dormant and resting. It’s the only safe season to transplant most items, especially evergreen plants. 

We water the roots before pruning. We assess how much root pruning the tree needs. After digging a trench around the root ball, the Branch Specialists Rochester expert team replaces the soil around the trimmed roots – ensuring successful tree transplantation.

Is it spring?

So here we are! 

In actuality, the best time to transplant trees begins towards the end of the growing season and ends at the start of the growing season. In our tree transplanting business, we prune transplanted tree roots like crazy. Why?

Because we know that once the leaves start sprouting, the game’s over until it’s late fall.

While your plants are still asleep in early spring, we uproot trees to move into a new location

But there are some exceptions obviously. For example, we do not uproot evergreens in early spring as they have already started new growth. Hence, only for deciduous species, early spring is the best time to transplant trees.

Fall Is Considered To Be The Best

Experts call the fall season to be the best time to transplant trees. Because it is the perfect time when your trees can benefit from the upcoming moisture and cooler months of winter.

Luckily the autumn rains allow your plant roots to grow before the moisture goes away. Your trees also demand less energy as they enter the early steps of dormancy. They no longer focus on growth above the ground. It’s great for root establishment, as that’s what you want.

The best thing is yet to come!

Most plants/trees are relocated in the fall. And ideally, it is said to be the best time to transplant trees. They can be your evergreens, shade trees, flowering trees, perennials, or shrubs. 

Hire The Best Tree Service In Rochester 

Any time of the year could be your personal best time to transplant trees. But you need machinery, knowledge, experience, and what not – to accomplish this major task successfully! That’s why Branch Specialists Rochester is always ready to help you transplant mature trees in your yard (or any other areas you desire).

Our tree moving service team will work dedicatedly to transplant trees safely. And once the transplantation is completed, you will see new sprouts coming through in no time.

Contact Branch Specialists Rochester at +15854793388 for tree transplanting! Get your free quotation today!

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